Monday, August 9, 2010

Interview: Tom Robinson Amuater Freestyle mx rider

Tonight we sat down with rising freestyle mx amuater Tom Robinson and picked his brain and heres what went down!.

Aighty so introduce yourself,name,age,when did you start riding.

My name is Tom Robinson im 18 years old and i started riding when i was 8 when my dad bought me a bike for my birthday.
What do you do for work.

afterschool i work at a chaff cutting farm bagging and loading feed for race horses .. pretty ironic seeing as though i hate horses haha.

How did you get into freestyle.

Well i watched the early crusty demons vidoes all the time before i got a bike so as soon as i started riding that all i wanted to do. Plus having Liam Goesch just down the road who rode freestyle was also pretty inspiring and got me into it aswell.

Where do you wanna go with your riding as in how far do you wanna go with it.
As far as i can go haha i just ride because its fun so i guess ill see where it takes me .. hopefully this year i can do well in the rfdmx underground tour and possibly do some demos.

What do you do in your free time besides ride.

Alot of my time goes into my triton ute at the moment im doing up into a mini truck. I also like the hang out with my mates and girlfriend as much as i can.

What car do you drive

A 91 model mitsubishi triton , 330,000 on the clock .. its killing it haha

Dream car

definatly an old cadillac dropped on its guts haha.

Dream chick.

ill have to say my girlfriend Shae

Vegimite or peanut butter.

vegemite for sure haha

Redbull rockstar or monster.

redbulls seem to keep me pretty hypo during work so ill go with redbull haha.

Favourite alcoholic beverage.

Carlton Draught

Aighty well thanks so much for taking the time out of you day,any shout outs/thank yous

No worries man ! .. yeah ill give a shout out to RFDmx , , Mum and Dad , my photog Kyle O'Rielly and the Goesch family

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